• Sale!

    ¡Envío gratis!

    El Pack contiene: 2 Sazonador Alga kombu eco en copos 2 Sazonador Lechuga de mar eco en polvo 2 Sazonador Alga Percebe eco en polvo
  • Sale!

    Pack Gourmet


    ¡Envío gratis!

    El Pack contiene: 1 Wakame deshidratada 40gr BIO 2 Olivada de algas BIO 85g 1 Alga percebe al natural BIO 60g 1 Fumet de algas BIO 500ml 1 Sazonador Alga Percebe BIO 12g
  • Sale!

    Pack Alganízate


    ¡Envío gratis!

    ¿No sabes cual elegir? Llévate todas, ¡ya verás que cada una es diferente! El Pack contiene: 1 Kombu (40g) 1 Lechuga de mar (30g) 1 Wakame (40g) 1 Alga percebe (40g) 1 Espagueti de mar (40g) 1 Mix de algas (40g)
  • Algas La patrona Wakame



    "Undaria pinnatifida"

    Organoleptic properties:

    • Appearance: Japanese brown algae that can reach 1.5 meters in length, with an elongated thin leaf and central root.
    • Smell and taste: Soft odour of the sea. Neutral flavour, slightly sweet.
    • Colour: brown-green.
  • Algas La patrona Wakame



    "Undaria pinnatifida"

    Organoleptic properties:

    • Appearance: Japanese brown algae that can reach 1.5 meters in length, with an elongated thin leaf and central root.
    • Smell and taste: Soft odour of the sea. Neutral flavour, slightly sweet.
    • Colour: brown-green.

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